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How to create an account?

To create a Jamming account:

  1. Download Jamming from the Play Store
  2. Open the app
  3. Click on "No account yet? Create account" (it is on the top)
  4. Use your email to sign up or use the Google Sign in button below
  5. Follow the steps on screen

(Your email must be valid since you will be asked to verify it)

How do I edit my account?

To edit your account:

  1. Open and login to Jamming
  2. Press the profile button from the navigation bar
  3. Press "EDIT PROFILE"

How can I make a post?

There are three ways in which you can create a post:

  1. Record from Jamming
    1. Open Jamming and log in
    2. Click the '+' button from the home screen
    3. To start recording press the big mic
    4. After recording fill in a title and optionally a description
    5. Press "Post"
  2. Pre record and share
    1. From your file, press share (this can be a video or sound file)
    2. From the share dialog, find Jamming and press it
    3. Jamming will open now
    4. Fill in a title and optionally a description
    5. Press "Post"
  3. Import a file from Jamming
    1. Open Jamming and log in
    2. Click the '+' button from the home screen
    3. Now click the '+' from the top right of your screen
    4. Click the file you want to share (this can be a video or sound file) 
    5. Fill in a title and optionally a description
    6. Press "Post"
How can I play over someones post? (Overdub)

To overdub:

  1.  Long press on the play button of the post you want to use, or press the share button (paperplane) and click "Overdub"
  2. You will be taken to the record page
  3. Press the big mic and start recording, while recording the original post is played in the background
  4. After recording fill in the title and optionally a description
  5. Using the slider you can change the volume of the original post

(In order to get the best results we recomend wearing headphones while overdubbing)

How can I find other musicians?

To find musicians:

  1. Open Jamming and log in
  2. Using the navigationbar go to search (the magnifyingglass)
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select what you will be searching for (Name, city or instrument)
  4. Fill in your query in the searchbar
  5. Press enter or the magnifyingglass on the right of the search bar
  6. See your results appear
How can I add a friend
  1. To send a friend request:
    1. Find a musician from the search view or click their username on a post
    2. Press the '+' button
    3. Your request has been send, wait for them to accept it (You can see sent requests in the "Activity" view under "Outgoing requests")
  2. To accept a friend request:
    1. Using the navigationbar navigate to "Activity" (Checkmark) 
    2. Under "Incoming requests" you will see all the friend requests that have been sent to you
    3. To accept one press the '+' button next to their name
    4. You are now friends
How can I message someone?

(In order to start a chat with another musician you need to be friends first (see how to add friends)) 

  1. To start a chat:
    1. Open Jamming and log in
    2. Using the navigationbar navigate to "Chat" (Chat bubble) 
    3. Press the '+' button in the top right corner
    4. Find the musician to start a chat with
    5. Press the '+' button next to their name
    6. You have now created a chatroom
  2. To send a message:
    1. Send from Jamming
      1. Open Jamming and log in
      2. Using the navigationbar navigate to "Chat" (Chat bubble) 
      3. Press the chat you want to send a message to
      4. In the message bar type your message
      5. Press "SEND"
      6. See your message appear on screen
    2. Send from another app
      1. Select the text you want to share
      2. Press share
      3. From the share dialog, find Jamming and press it
      4. Jamming will open now
      5. Select the user you want to send it to
      6. Press "SEND"

How can I turn off/on notifications?

To turn notifications on/off: 

  1. Open Jamming and sign in
  2. Using the navigationbar navigate to "Profile" (the person icon) 
  3. Press the gear icon on the top right of your screen
  4. Toggle the "Notifications" switch
How can I log out

To sign out: 

  1. Using the navigationbar navigate to "Profile" (the person icon) 
  2. Press the gear icon on the top right of your screen
  3. Press "Log out"
How can I change language?

To change language: 

  1. Open Jamming and sign in
  2. Using the navigationbar navigate to "Profile" (the person icon) 
  3. Press the gear icon on the top right of your screen
  4. Find "Language"
  5. Use the dropdown menu to choose between: English, Spanish, French and Dutch
  6. Press apply
How can I turn on/off dark mode?

To toggle dark mode: 

  1. Open Jamming and sign in
  2. Using the navigationbar navigate to "Profile" (the person icon) 
  3. Press the gear icon on the top right of your screen
  4. Find "Dark mode" and toggle it

(Dark mode is automaticaly applied if your system is on dark mode)